Before I decided to go full time with my repair business, I spent a few years in customer service dealing with all kinds of people everyday. If you're typically known as the “nice guy” you may have to change your train of thought to keep from getting run over by your customers. If you have not had the benefit of gaining any type customer service experience, you should ask yourself, Can I deal with:
-The customer who “knows” what the problem is and wants to talk about it.
These aren't that bad, just annoying.
-The customer who wants to look over your shoulder while you work.
Personally I hate this. I don't get nervous, but I can't stand to have anyone looking over my shoulder in any situation.
-Same as above but wants an explanation of every single thing you do.
-The customer who wants to negotiate the price.
These guys are bad especially if you're working out of your home.
-The customer doesn't give you the whole story or “forgets” to tell you something relevant.
This can determine whether you work 10 minutes or two hours.
-The older customer who doesn't have a clue what you're saying even when you break it down into elementary English.
Not that bad really, just another annoyance. On the plus side, if you can make a “connection” with this customer, they'll come back every time.
-The customer who “since you're already working on it” wants you to fix something else for the same price.
Be firm, don't do anything for free. Let them know that it will be $x.xx more for you to do that.
-The customer who wants to blame you for something that was wrong with the computer before they dropped it off.
Most of these are premeditated. They come in knowing they're going to try and get one over on you.
These are the types I run into the most but there are other types and variations. You have to remember that this is your business. You no longer have to clock in and answer to anyone else. You're the boss and you can run your business as you see fit.
If you're the type to get nervous when someone looks over your shoulder, post on a sign that if a job is estimated to take more than 30 minutes (your discretion) then it is recommended that drop off and come back.
Be firm with your prices, you're not running a stand at a flea market. You're prices are set,. Don't cave no matter how persistent that are. If they want cheap service they can look elsewhere. You can stand strong with these types of people. If you give in, they will be back every week wanting you to do something cheap.
Be sure to inspect whatever the customer drops off in front of them. Make a note of any defects you find, and have them sign off on it.
You can stand by your convictions without coming across as a jerk. It's all in the way that you do it.
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