The types of blogs

Posted by CBComputer 06.20, under | No comments

    * Political Blog: About the news, politics, activist, and all issues-based blogs (like the campaign).

   * Personal blog: Also called an online diary that contains about one's everyday experiences, complaints, poems or poetry, bad ideas, and conversation of friends.
     * Hidden Blog: Blog to discuss about something, and focus on specific topics.
    * Health Blog: More specific about health. Health Blog mostly contains the patient's complaint, the latest health news, information about health-ketarangan, etc..
     * Blog of literature: Better known as litblog (Literary blog).
     * Blog trip: Focus on the journey that tells the story discussion remarks about the trip / travel.
     * Blog research: The question of academic as the latest research news.
     * Blog the law: The question of law or legal affairs, also called blawgs (Blog Laws).
     * Blog the media: Focus on discussion ketidakkonsistensi hoax or mass media, usually only for newspaper or television network
     * Blog of religion: To discuss about religion
     * Blog of education: Usually written by students or teachers.
     * Blog of togetherness: a more specific topic written by a particular group.
     * Blog cues (directory): Contains hundreds of links pages.
    * Blog business: Used by employees or entrepreneurs for their business promotion activities
     * Blog embodiment: Focus on an object outside of man; like dogs
     * Blog gadfly (spam): Used for business promotion affiliate, also known as Splogs (Spam Blogs)


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