How Service Acer ASPIRE ONE Dead

Posted by CBComputer 17.00, under | No comments

     The discussion this time is about the way Acer ASPIRE ONE Off Service. For new visitors, Kang Eko congratulate visit and hopefully Eko-gang article helpful. OK just go straight to the scene ............

How Service Acer ASPIRE ONE Dead

Damage indication :

    When Netbook ACER ASPIRE ONE is turned on by pressing the button powernya, aka dark screen does not appear at all. But it led in the power button a green flame. And there are no signs that the ACER ASPIRE ONE it will flame and the process of loading windows.

What happened ...?
This condition is caused by damage to the BIOS software on this ACER ASPIRE ONE.

How Service Acer ASPIRE ONE Death:
1. Prepare Flasdisk max 2GB, then format it with FAT partitions flasdisk.
2. Download File BIOS ACER ASPIRE ONE Here or
3. Extract the zip file and copy 2 files which are inside the FLASHIT.EXE and ZG5IA32.FD to flasdisk directly without the folder / directory.
4. Plug in the USB port left Flasdisk netbook.
5. Plug Carger laptop.
6. Press the Fn button and Esc hold and then press the power button once.
7. After a few seconds, release Fn + Esc key. Then the power button will be blinking
8. Press the power button once again, it will flasddisk blinking sign in the BIOS file is being accessed flasdisk (penting..! let some time because the process is running even though visible light does not turn on power.)
9. Wait a few moments and the power light stops blinking and then the netbook will restart itself.
10. After the restart, ACER ASPIRE ONE will return flame. This process is not more than 10 minutes.

Good luck,,,


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