Latest Deep Freez 2010

Posted by CBComputer 17.00, under | No comments

     After my previous post challenge "Cara Hack Deep Freeze 6", in this post to a pal mo sharing all Deep Freeze 7 that has been released. I do not know exactly when Deep Freeze 7 is released, just installed at the show in 2010, so it seems Deep Freeze 7 has just been released.

     From penerawangan me;);) seems in terms of features there is no significant difference from previous versions. Clearly the most important of my lab tests (the scientific mode heeee ON ...::) Deep Freeze 7 is immune hacked by AntiDeepFreeze, UnDeepFreeze, Etc..

     For my friend who want to download Deep Freeze 7 + serial number, please download monggo
HERE. The file size small, only about 3.5 Mb.

Good luck, may be useful.


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